Thousands Inspired by Sue Cleaver's Magical 47-Pound Weight Loss Journey in 2024!

Sue Cleaver, the one and only british actress, has faced significant challenges with her weight, trying various methods to shed pounds without success. Despite her efforts, including adhering to numerous diets and even undergoing therapeutic fasting under medical supervision, Cleaver struggled with maintaining willpower. Consequently, many of her diet attempts either failed or led to further weight gain.

Adding to her difficulties was her demanding schedule, which hindered her ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, a nutritious diet requires consuming small, balanced meals 4-5 times a day. Yet, Cleaver's hectic lifestyle often forced her to eat quickly and choose less nutritious options. Feelings of frustration washed over her as hunger and exhaustion took their toll.

EXCLUSIVE! Despite these obstacles, Cleaver has now discovered a method that has yielded visible results. In an exclusive reveal, she shares a photo she previously kept private due to her discomfort with her appearance, showcasing her journey and progress.

During the broadcast of the show TODAY, she shared her secret.

Hoda Kotb: Today we have in the studio the presence of British actress Sue Cleaver, whose famous from shows such as _Loose women, Coronation Street and many more! She managed to lose 47 pounds in a short amount of time. Let's give her a warm welcome!

Sue Cleaver : Oh, my dears! Would you believe it? I never imagined my journey to shed those pesky pounds would cause such a stir of interest. My Instagram is simply flooded with messages! Instead of replying to each one individually, I thought it best to come by the studio and spill the beans to all of you."

Sue Cleaver : Well, would you believe it? I've actually managed to shed an impressive 47 pounds in a mere two months. And no, those recent snapshots of mine weren't edited in Photoshop. Currently, I'm tipping the scales at 158 pounds, and I'm aiming to drop another 7-10.

Now, the burning question on everyone's minds: How did I manage it? Well, to be honest, my Instagram is filled with pictures of food. You see, I have quite a fondness for good food, which is precisely why I chose not to change my diet, indulging in my favorite desserts just the same.

Hoda Kotb: I'll reiterate! And your current appearance is incredible! What motivated you to start losing weight and how did you begin?

Sue Cleaver : I absolutely hate gyms. I went there for a few weeks and all that I have got was a bunch of insecurities after seeing all the perfect athletic bodies. here I am in my 60s! Sincerely I believe you should only go to gym after you have lost all the weight and want to gain muscle. Unless you want to engage in it. In conclusion, for me gym was a waste of time and energy. As you can see, I had difficulty moving around, I would constantly sweat during performances, and instead of one chin, I had 2(!)...

Sue Cleaver : In the end I decided not to overwork my body, so I bought these effective GlucoFit  recommended by my best friend. Let me tell you how it works. You take a Tablet in the morning and everything that you eat during the day dissolves in a natural way, where fat in muscles usually forms. You also have to take it before you sleep so while you dream your metabolism actively functions and gets rid of the rest of the fat.

Hoda Kotb: What happened next? Now you're a different person.

Sue Cleaver : In my first month, shedding 25 pounds felt like a breeze! And in the second month, I managed to bid farewell to another 22 pounds. Remarkably, my legs are almost free of cellulite now, and my belly has vanished! Isn't it fantastic? Thanks to this supplement, I've transitioned from a size L to M, opening up a world of pretty and stylish clothing options instead of dull, oversized dresses. Plus, I've gained the confidence to flaunt swimsuit photos. I couldn't be happier with my new body, but to take it up a notch, I'm aiming to lose a few more pounds. That's why I've turned to this product. I reckon another week, and I'll hit my desired goal. Thanks to the 'GlucoFit ' course, I've managed to shed an impressive 47 pounds in record time.

Hoda Kotb:What was that, a new diet? What product are we talking about? I believe it's the "GlucoFit " dietary supplement?

Sue Cleaver : GlucoFit  has a natural composition, with its main ingredient being ACV extract, a citrus fruit that grows at high altitudes, and contains a large amount of beneficial substances. It accelerates metabolism in the body, allowing for weight loss in a short time without exhausting diets, and most importantly, in a safe manner.

After a week of the 'experiment,' I genuinely felt better. I DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING IN MY DIET, I kept eating the same, yet I lost weight. In my opinion, I had lost between 2 and 4 pounds, but when I stepped on the scale, I was stunned: a whopping 8 pounds less! How could that be?

I got scared and quickly went to my nutritionist. The doctor confirmed that it was a normal process and there was no danger, so I felt relieved. In summary, it's quite simple: you take 2 supplements every day in the morning before breakfast and the same before going to bed. At the same time, you can eat practically any food, with any fat content, and still lose weight. Wonderful! I love this type of weight loss!

By the second week, I was already expecting another miracle. You quickly get used to good things, and I wasn't willing to settle for less than an 8-pound loss. I LOST 10 pounds! More than 1.4 pounds a day, how about that? Personally, I felt like I grew wings on my back. For two months, I took "GlucoFit " and lost 47 pounds without any effort, diets, or workouts! Interestingly enough, it's been over 2 months since I lost the weight, I'm no longer taking "GlucoFit " and the weight hasn't gone up again. It's truly a positive result, though I keep a couple of bottles at home, just in case. Now, I'm not ashamed to show my face in public.

Hoda Kotb: Incredible! Sue, I'm sure many viewers are wondering if there are stretch marks after such intense weight loss.

Sue Cleaver : No, the "GlucoFit " preparation significantly improves skin elasticity and stretch, so there are no issues with that.

Hoda Kotb: "What about the skin? How did it become so tight?"

Sue Cleaver: The skin tightens perfectly! Myself and those I know haven't had any issues.

Hoda Kotb: What about the diet? What type of diet would you recommend?

Sue Cleaver : Now I'm against diets. Most diets are simply harmful to the body! Just taking a GlucoFit in the morning before breakfast and before going to bed is enough. I really don't want to eat as much as before, because the product converts stored fat into energy.

Hoda Kotb: Is it really necessary to stop eating after 6 PM?

Sue Cleaver : This is nonsense! You can eat as you're used to or as you prefer! Of course, in general, it's important to eat regularly and in small portions to stay healthy! But it's challenging and doesn't always work in my case.

Hoda Kotb: Sue, everyone here wants to know where to buy these chewable jams and if they are really accessible to the average person.

Sue Cleaver : The certified original product "GlucoFit " can only be ordered through the OFFICIAL form of the supplier operating in the United States. If you don't mind, I would like you to save it on your website.

Hoda Kotb: Of course, Sue! Alright, it was very interesting to hear your story! Would you like to say something to the viewers?

Sue Cleaver : Thank you! I just want to say one thing: DO NOT POSTPHONE weight loss, because you won't realize how another ten pounds will creep up on you within a year, and it will be too late to do anything about it. Also, those who have lost weight with the help of the supplement, please share your opinion here!

Hoda Kotb : We have asked nutrition experts to comment on Sue Cleaver's story. Dr. Angeles Moron Ortiz is an American nutritionist, a member of the American Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition, and the American Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO).

Dr. Angeles Moron Ortiz: Im a professional with extensive experience in this field, I can assure you. Popular weight loss methods - low-calorie diets, mono-diets, torturing yourself with physical efforts until you faint - all of this GOES AGAINST YOU AND YOUR HEALTH! I agree, there is a temporary effect, but you end up with a slower and 'dead' metabolism.

And in order to lose weight and not gain it back, you need to have an extremely fast metabolism.

GlucoFit  contain natural ingredients that accelerate metabolic processes by 5 to 7 times. This allows the body to quickly consume all accumulated fat reserves and prevents the formation of new ones. Currently, I believe that GlucoFit  is the only effective way to LOSE WEIGHT HEALTHILY.

At the U.S. Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition Research, a study was conducted on the properties of the "GlucoFit " complex.

In a 30-day study on a group of 17 volunteers with overweight of more than 22 lbs, the following results were obtained:

  1. A drastic weight loss ranging from 15.4 lbs to 68 lbs was recorded across the entire group of subjects
  2. An improvement in well-being and tone was observed in 97% of the subjects
  3. A significant improvement in liver and pancreas function was observed
  4. And as a result, an improvement in metabolic processes in the body

Positive results are guaranteed regardless of age, health status, or gender. The average weight loss per week ranges from 11 to 15.4 lbs.

In summary, it's much easier to timely get rid of excess weight than to face complications of hypertension, diabetes, blocked blood vessels, and other illnesses. Anyone with common sense should understand that.

Our center has conducted several studies with volunteers, using various popular weight loss products, and the results have confirmed the high effectiveness of the complex:

There should be no doubt about whether to fight against excess weight or not

During the days of... From the 1st to the (inclusive), the Ministry of Health launches a promotion aimed at U.S. residents: 'Lose weight after 35, to preserve life.' Let's defeat excess weight together!

So, if you've been struggling to lose weight for a while, tried diets and other ways of losing weight but haven't achieved any results, access the form right now and submit your application.

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